
This transcript is contributed by a generous guest of this site. We do not own the copyright for the interview, but I expect you to understand that the transcribing takes a lot of time and work and that you should not copy and use the transcript unless you give credit to the transcriber. Please be respectful of the efforts made by the transcriber. Thanks.

Interview with Joanthan
on "Pulse" (aka "Octane") DVD - US version

皆さまお待たせいたしました。この 『おくていん』 インタビューは、2004年7月にアメリカで発売された 『Pulse (Octane)』 US版DVD の特典映像に収録されています。
以下の Transcript (文字おこし)は、flagstone さんのご好意で実現しました。大変な作業をしてくださって、本当にありがとうございました!

Interview with Jonathan Rhys Meyers
~ Pulse (Octane) DVD Special Features ~

by flagstone

★ On the story of this movie

Essentially, it is the story of a mother and a daughter going through that sort of crisis that all mothers and daughters go through. Her daughter is feeling that sexual energy for the first time and is sort of like moving away from home, moving away from sort of like that---that patch.
You know, and the Senga character is terrified of letting her go in that way, because she knows that she suffered a lot when she went out on her own as, as a kid. And she doesn't want that same for her daughter. But this isn't like a problem that happens with most parents: When do you stop being a parent? and When do you start being an adult?
You know, it's strange.

★ On his character

From the character's point of view in many ways is that he was, as a child, not very loved by his own family, so he wanted to create one all of his own. Hmm...and to create it in the sense that, I think, he's probably very Dionysian in the fact that he thinks if you drink the blood of other humans that you keep your youth. It is almost like this pattern of youth---steal youth to have youth.

★ On becoming his character

Pretty much I walked in and they said OK this is what The Father looks like. And they liked the hair, and sort of they liked the way I looked and was why sort of Marcus cast me for this. Yeah, they gave me a big tattoo down my back and I got a couple of tattoo on my knuckles. But the hardest part you see is I'm Irish, so I had to go through days and days and days of dialogue coaching to become an American, have an American accent. So, that's why I'm speaking with it now, sort of like trying, you know, to keep that tone which is quite difficult.
It is very difficult to....because, you know, it is not difficult to swing out an American accent but it is difficult to swing out an authentic American accent.

★ On what he brought to the role

When I first read the script I thought The Father was going to be all really dark.
And so I said, Well, I'm really into the idea and I really like the other people you've got for it but if I could play it with a certain amount of benevolence, to sort of completely move away from what is written. And so sort of like playing very very calm and very sort of like sympathetic to all the characters in it. And in that sort of be more frightening---more controlled.

★ On working with Madeleine and Marcus

Myself and Madeleine did a film in Ireland two years ago called "Magnificent Ambersons" and so we spent 18 weeks shooting with each other, or 14 weeks shooting with each other, so I know Madeleine quite well. Marcus, I don't know but he seems to have it all together, yeah, you know he is well liked on the set. He's not aggressive, he's constructive and that's---that's always important.


by Mercury

★ 本作のストーリーについて

そして自分の娘にはそんな思いをさせたくないと思っている。でもこれはほとんどの親が直面する問題とは違う。つまり、いつ親であることをやめるか? そして、いつ大人になるのか? ――ねえ、変だよね。

★ 『教祖』 のキャラクターについて


ディオニソス=酒の神様バッカス。霊魂・生命の神秘をつかさどるとも言われています。生命の水お酒みたいに血を飲む人らを比喩的に表現しているんではないかと思われますが、ジョナサン例えが高尚すぎますわ… (@_@)

★ このキャラクターをやるにあたって


★ 役作りについて


★ マデリーンやマーカス(監督)との仕事について

マデリーンとは 『Magnificent Ambersons』 っていう映画を2年前アイルランドで撮ったんだ。18週間一緒に、いや14週間撮影で一緒に過ごしたから、マデリーンのことはとてもよく知ってる。マーカスのことは知らないんだけど、彼は落ち着いた人みたいだね。うん、セットでも皆に好かれてるよ。彼は攻撃的なタイプじゃなくて、前向きだ。そしてそれはいつだって大事なことなんだ。





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