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BBC Imagine Asia Interview, April 26, 2002

インタビュー・フェチの皆さま、お待たせいたしました。この BBC インタビューは、Imagine Asia (British FIlm Institute 主催の南アジア映画のお祭り)のオープニングに来たジョナサンをつかまえて行われました。『ベッカムに恋して』 出演やアジア映画についてゴキゲンに語ってくれているジョナサンが大変キュートです。以下の Transcript (文字おこし)は、flagstone さんのご好意で実現しました。大変な作業をしてくださって、本当にありがとうございました。

インタビューの動画は こちら にあったんですが、残念ながら今は取り下げられています…。もしファイルを保存してらっしゃる方がいたしたら、こそーっと教えてくださいませ。日本語訳はそのうちするかもしれませんが、今のところ無いんです… (うう、すみません…)

BBC Imagine Asia Interview, Apr. 26th, 2002

Interviewer: ...Bend It Like Beckham No.1 for the second week. How do you feel?

Jonathan: Yes, I'm very very happy for Gurinder and happy for everyone involved. Yeah.

I: Like Suzy (Shaznay?). Yeah [Laughs] I won't discuss that.
[Laughs] But what sort of back-up
*1 have you had because now, you know, half the world's seen it?

J: Hmm, you know, people really like us. It's, you know, it makes people feel nice. Hmm, it's nobody is like sort of said anything to me about me. So, you know --happiness. You know, silence is golden!*2 Hmm, it's, it's for Gurinder. I'm actually happy for Gurinder more than anyone else, you know, involved in the film, because she put a lot of hard work, I mean, it directly takes a film--they lived with it for 5 years. She knows the tears. I came on for 6 weeks and shot, you know, everyone was very nice to me, you know. I hope I played my part as well as possible and I hope I supported her film and tried to make it better. But, I'm happiest for her.

I: You underestimate your talent, gentleman.

J: Hmm, no, who knows? Humility is the greatest way to the bank*3.

I: [Laughs] Well, I've been reading my Sunday supplements and I've seeing all these articles on your good self*4 and you have been speaked*5 of as the next big thing. So, come on, how many Hollywood offers have you had?

J: Hmm--none, I swear to God [laughs] Actually, I've got a note from them saying don't come anywhere near our west coast ever again. Hmm, no, just it's, it's not really like that,you know. I'm glad the film is in good*6 because it makes people*7 sort of trust you*8 more. Of course, it is just as hard, you know, if you want the parts that are really really extraordinary*9, you know, you have to fight tooth and nail*10.

I: Well, talking of parts, What else are you up to?

J: I've just finished a film called Tesseract in Bangkok and I'm going to do this film called I'll Sleep When I'm Dead, but it has been put back another two months now. So maybe I am--it won't work out*11 that I can do it, which is a unfortunate as it's Mike Hodges' film, ah--with Clive Owen, you know. It's a small part, but it is a part I really wanted to play for him 'cause he is a very nice man---very nice man---

I: Clive Owen and you in the same film! You,You've---

J: -----and brothers--yeah

I: Ho ho, you've gotta complete it!

J: What? I've got to complete it. Alright. Year, I see.

I: I'll just say this to remember while we're here. Hmm--What do you think of a festival like this? How important is it?

J: With global markets--it probably is as important as the Hollywood market now, also because---its dudddd---things change. Now sort of India has become a very trendy country and not only a trendy country to go visit, you know, to go backpacking. And it's not about tourism anymore, it's become a world power as well. Hmm, and it's a cinematic power, but I always thought it has cinematic power because there are some really beautiful beautiful films; there just wasn't too many that crossed over. But now if you go into any sort of cinema complex, you've got Indian films, Mexican films, Spanish films, Brazilian films, French films, Greek films, well, you know, things are changing. World globalization helps also, you know. I can get on the Internet and I can get any Indian film I want.

I: Wonderful. Well, thank you very much for taking part and hope we'll catch you at the party later.

J: It has been a pleasure talking to you.

I: Thank you.

J: Good night.

(Special thanks to flagstone for transcribing this interview)

【補足 by flagstone さん】

*1) I: (What sort of) back-up = reaction

*2) J: it's nobody is like 〜 silence is golden = nobody has criticized --(This situation is) nobody said anything bad to me about my acting. So,(I am full of )happiness. In this way it is true that silence is golden.

*3) J: Humility is the greatest way to the bank. = good way to get rich--If you are humble, you will become rich. Rich people need banks.

*4) I: (all these articles) on your good self = about you
*5) I: (have been) speaked = spoken

*6) J: (I'm glad the film) is in good = 〜is in. It's good

*7) J: (It makes) people = studio/film industry people

*8) J: (sort of trust) you = Jonathan

*9) J: extraordinary = super role, outstanding role

*10) J: tooth and nail = desperately

*11) J: it won't work out = busy with my schedule


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